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作者: admin 瀏覽次數:2102 來源: 美達斯機械 發(fā)布日期:2017-11-28 16:11:12

隨著我國的經濟迅速的發(fā)展,在工農業(yè)的生產中,重慶升降機的使用實在是太廣泛了,已經普及到人們的社會生產的方方面面。但是對于重慶升降機的操作規(guī)程需要了解一下。With the rapid development of economy in our country, the use of the elevator in Chongqing is too wide, and has spread to all aspects of people's social production. But for the Chongqing elevator operation procedures need to know.

1.使用重慶升降機必須配置經過專門培訓,考試合格,持證上崗的專業(yè)操作人員。Chongqing elevator must be configured with specialized training, examination qualified, professional operation personnel certification.

2.重慶升降機操作人員必須按照機械設備的保養(yǎng)規(guī)定,在執(zhí)行各項檢查和保養(yǎng)后方可啟動升降平臺,工作前應檢查升降機的工作范圍,清除妨礙升降機回轉及行走的障礙物。Chongqing elevator operation of mechanical equipment maintenance personnel must be in accordance with the provisions in the implementation of the inspection and maintenance before starting the lifting platform, check the elevator work scope should be clear before work, obstacle walking and rotary lift.

3.經常檢查所有的電線、電纜有無損傷,要及時的包扎和更換已損傷的部分。Often check all the wires, cables, there is no damage, to the timely dressing and replacement of damaged parts.

4.重慶升降機支持升降平臺操作的重要準備工作,要選擇一個合適的平坦的表面,如果地基松軟或者不均勻,需要做相應的處理后才能工作。Chongqing lift to support the operation of the lifting platform is an important preparatory work, to choose a suitable flat surface, if the foundation is soft or uneven, you need to do the appropriate treatment to work.

5.重慶升降機一般應先起下臂,再起中臂,最后起上臂。在升降機旋轉的操作過程中,一定要在其下臂起升高度前旋轉,緩緩的轉動,而剪切臂和一個平臺,各種設備的距離是否滿足安全的需求。Chongqing elevator general should play under the arm in arm, back, arm end. In the operation of the elevator rotation, must be in its lower arm lifting height before rotation, slowly rotating, while the shear arm and a platform, a variety of equipment to meet the needs of the safety of the distance.

6.在重慶升降機工作的時候要帶好安全帶,帶電的工作領域應該要按照規(guī)定的地面升降平臺,升降的操作應該是由負責人指揮的。When Chongqing lifts work should wear safety belt, electric field of work should be in accordance with the provisions of the ground lifting platform, the lifting operation should be directed by the person in charge.

7.重慶升降機的動力系統(tǒng)不啟動,這也是人們在日常工作生產中最容易忽略的問題,這樣的情況一般都是最明顯的開光沒有啟動。Dynamic system of Chongqing elevator does not start, this is the most easily overlooked in the daily work of the production problem in this situation is generally the most obvious light did not start.

8.重慶升降機的螺絲太松了或者太緊了,這個小問題一般都不會被發(fā)現,可是這個問題存在著極大的安全隱患,在日常使用升降機的過程中,一定要注意這個問題,注意安全。Chongqing lifts the screws are loose or tight, this small problem generally will not be found, but this problem has great security risks, in the process of daily use lifts, must pay attention to this problem, Caution.

9.重慶升降機作業(yè)前,工作負責人應向操作人員,進行技術和安全交待,內容應包括:工作內容及要求;安全注意事項及危險點;人員分工情況及責任范圍。Chongqing lifts before operation, the responsible person should be accountable to the operators, technology and safety, the content should include: the contents and requirements of the work; safety precautions and dangerous point; division of labor and responsibility.

工作負責人除要對車況和操作人員進行檢查以外,還要負責查看地形環(huán)境、起降是否符合安全技術措施的要求或事先制定的工作方案,如有出入,則應制定出相應的措施后方能開始工作。The responsible person in addition to check on the condition and operating personnel, will be responsible for the work plan view the terrain environment, landing in compliance with safety technical measures required or pre established, if different, should formulate corresponding measures before start work.

