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作者: admin 瀏覽次數(shù):3054 來源: 美達(dá)斯機械 發(fā)布日期:2016-11-23 16:33:24

1.重慶升降貨梯的使用壽命和使用過程中的保養(yǎng)工作密不可分。對于任何設(shè)備來說,購買之后在使用期間都有一定的磨合期,而重慶升降貨梯的磨合期就在剛開始使用的50個小時之內(nèi),所以在50小時之內(nèi)一定要采取保養(yǎng)措施。The service life of the elevator in Chongqing is closely related to the maintenance of the service. For any equipment, after purchase during use have run in period, while Chongqing lifting elevator running in period within 50 hours, just began to use, so be sure to take maintenance measures within 50 hours.

其他因素具體還是要看使用者使用升降機的頻率以及工作的載重量來決定,在前期使用的過程中必須熟知重慶升降貨梯的各個功能、性能、安全須知、緊急下降、使用工況以及構(gòu)件參數(shù)等,這樣就有一個正確的使用方式。Other factors will depend on the specific user use the lift frequency and work load to determine, in the early course of use in Chongqing must be familiar with the lifting elevator each function, performance, safety, emergency descent, use conditions and component parameters, so there is a right way to use.

2.重慶升降貨梯的保養(yǎng)最重要的是第一次保養(yǎng),也就是在50小時左右,在保養(yǎng)得過程中,首先需要看看液壓油量、顏色來判讀使用狀況,同時更換過濾器。Chongqing lifting elevator maintenance is the most important first maintenance is in about 50 hours, in the maintenance process, we need to look at the hydraulic oil, color judging condition, and replace the filter.

若是動力源為發(fā)動機的重慶升降貨梯,那么必須更換機油,更換各種濾芯等;同時在各個關(guān)節(jié)部位添加潤滑油脂等;再者就需要靠有經(jīng)驗的技術(shù)工程師對西安升降平臺的部件進行觀察,是否有出現(xiàn)變形、結(jié)構(gòu)疲勞等因素。If Chongqing lifting elevator power source for the engine, you must replace the oil filter, replace all; at the same time in various joints add lubricating oil; furthermore we need to rely on technical engineers with experience in Xi'an lifting platform components were observed, if there is a deformation, fatigue and other factors.

3.當(dāng)各個部件的健康狀況檢查完畢之后,就需要再看看平臺車四周整體的情況了,檢查一下螺絲或者是連接物,然后再看看螺絲或者是連接位置是否有松動;需要提醒大家,還需要看一看有沒有漏油或者是滲油的現(xiàn)象,及時解決,以免造成不必要的麻煩。When all the parts of the health examination, they need to look at the overall situation around the car platform, check the screws or connections, and then look at the screw or the connection position is loose; the need to remind everyone, also need to see there is no oil leakage or oil leakage phenomenon, timely solve in order to avoid unnecessary trouble.

重慶升降貨梯屬于一種大型重慶升降貨梯設(shè)備,在使用的過程中,若是有任何的疑問,可以直接咨詢重慶升降貨梯商家,只有正確的使用和定期的保養(yǎng)才能延長重慶升降貨梯使用壽命、增加安全性和可靠性。Chongqing lifting elevator is a large Chongqing lifting elevator equipment, in the use process, if there is any doubt, can consult Chongqing lifting elevator business, extending Chongqing lifting elevator service life, increase the safety and reliability of only the correct use and regular maintenance can be.

